All the best for those SAGA athletes who will compete this week! Winning or losing, enjoy and be grateful for the experience with passion! 🔥 🙏
This was my third Shot Put competition.
My Greatest Thanks Go To:
1. Tancinco Rustan Lambatin
(Coach Rustan, also known as Coach Tan) from Philippines
2. Maria Lualhati Tolentino
(Coach Lalie) from Philippines
Thank Coach Rustan & Coach Lalie for guiding me and empowering me to become an athlete and a coach!
May the kids of SAGA be filled with much more passion and enthusiasm through the Mother of All Sports, Track and Field / Athletics ! See you all soon. 🙏
My best performance for this competition as my third shot put competition was 11.45 metres (Gold Medalist of 2022 SA All Comers Meet 1 – Shot Put Men Open)
Click Here For Official Results