
SAGA Athletics

SAGA Athletics
SAA Track and Field Series 3

This was the first Shot Put competition I took part in after picking up the sport for a few months. During the SAA Track and Field Series 3 – Shot Put Men Open, I was very nervous while Coach Lalie calmed me down with her body language.

I shall keep improving myself to be better in the future.

I would like to express my gratitude for Coach Rustan (Tancinco Rustan Lambatin) & Coach Lalie (Maria Lualhati Tolentino) from TEAM SAGA for encouraging me to be a shotputter and also guiding me in the sport. I fell in love with Shot Put!

My best performance for this competition as my first shot put competition was 10.32 metres (Gold Medalist of SAA Track and Field Series 3 2018 – Shot Put Men Open)
Click Here For Official Results

SAA Track and Field Series 3
Official Results For SAA Track And Field Series 3, Shot Put Men Open
SAA Track and Field Series 3
Got The First Place!
SAA Track and Field Series 3
Thank SAA For This Opportunity!

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